Geum virginianum
white avens
Carolina spring beauty
Claytonia caroliniana
Lonicera canadensis
fly honeysuckle
American fly honeysuckle
wild yellow lily
Lilium canadense
Canada lily
wild meadow lily
meadow lily
yellow bedstraw
Galium verum
Our Lady's bedstraw
yellow cleavers
alkali grass
Asarum virginicum
Zigadenus elegans
Verbesina alternifolia
Linaria vulgaris
false heather
Virginia crownbeard
wild snapdragon
Hudsonia ericoides
golden ironweed
golden heather
Actinomeris alternifolia
yellow ironweed
devil's flax
Verbesina virginica
golden honey plant
Calochortus elegans
star tulip
Indian beet
field scabious
Lupinus perennis
stiff gentian
wood spurge
old-maid's bonnet
Rudbeckia hirta
black-eyed Susan
ague weed
wild lupine
Euphorbia amygdaloides
elegant cat's ears
Gentiana quinquefolia
Gentianella quinquefolia
five-flowered gentian
Scabiosa arvensis
Rudbeckia serotina
sundial lupine
Aletris aurea
common evening primrose
shepherd's clock
Oenothera biennis
meadow salsify
robin's plantain
Tragopogon pratensis
Erigeron pulchellus
yellow colicroot
German rampion
Cleome pinnata
Geum canadense
Aster falcatus
desert plume
white prairie aster
yellow pimpernel
Lysimachia nemorum
Ornithogalum umbellatum
sleepy dick
summer snowflake
Stanleya pinnata
white honeysuckle
closed gentian
Canada violet
tall white violet
Lonicera albiflora
Viola canadensis
Thermopsis macrophylla
tall bellflower
blind gentian
Campanula americana
bottle gentian
white violet
Gentiana andrewsii

English words for 'avens of Virginia having pale or greenish yellow flowers'

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