blanket flower
Gaillardia pulchella
Indian blanket
fire wheel
Helianthus laetiflorus
showy sunflower
purple poppy mallow
Callirhoe involucrata
Scabiosa atropurpurea
mournful widow
sweet scabious
pincushion flower
bird's-foot violet
pansy violet
wood violet
Viola pedata
Viola canadensis
cornflower aster
Stokesia laevis
swamp milkweed
Asclepias incarnata
Canada violet
white violet
stokes' aster
tall white violet
proboscis flower
common unicorn plant
ram's horn
common devil's claw
Proboscidea louisianica
Gentianopsis crinita
devil's claw
dense blazing star
Gentiana crinita
Liatris pycnostachya
rush rose
Helianthemum scoparium
robin's plantain
meadow salsify
Tragopogon pratensis
Erigeron pulchellus
shepherd's clock
swamp laurel
Aster shortii
Helenium autumnale
Cleome pinnata
genus Zinnia
Short's aster
Kalmia polifolia
desert plume
Penstemon barbatus
bog laurel
Stanleya pinnata
bog kalmia
golden-beard penstemon
autumn sneezeweed
pale violet
Viola striata
Sanicula bipinnatifida
striped violet
cream violet
purple sanicle
Campanula americana
tall bellflower
Gentiana calycosa
Maximilian's sunflower
explorer's gentian
Trillium recurvatum
prairie wake-robin
Scabiosa arvensis
Sanicula arctopoides
Helianthus maximilianii
prairie trillium
field scabious
welted thistle
Carduus crispus
Lonicera dioica
high mallow
tall mallow
Malva sylvestris
Lavatera arborea
yellow honeysuckle
Asclepias purpurascens
long-spurred violet
Mentha longifolia
purple silkweed
tree mallow
Viola rostrata
Lilium catesbaei

English words for 'annual of central United States having showy long-stalked yellow flower heads marked with scarlet or purple in the center'

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