African marigold
big marigold
Tagetes erecta
Aztec marigold
French marigold
Tagetes patula
Hymenoxys grandiflora
Tetraneuris grandiflora
alpine sunflower
old man of the mountain
arrowleaf groundsel
Senecio triangularis
Helianthus laetiflorus
showy sunflower
Castilleja sessiliflora
great plains paintbrush
Lonicera flava
yellow honeysuckle
Mirabilis longiflora
chalice vine
Solandra guttata
hairy honeysuckle
sweet four o'clock
trumpet flower
Lonicera hirsuta
California tree poppy
Romneya coulteri
matilija poppy
bush poppy
tree poppy
camphor daisy
Haplopappus phyllocephalus
Lasthenia chrysostoma
Mexican poppy
Argemone mexicana
Pseudobombax ellipticum
Fouquieria columnaris
rush rose
Idria columnaris
boojum tree
shaving-brush tree
Helianthemum scoparium
sego lily
California beauty
ram's horn
Zauschneria californica
common evening primrose
Talinum paniculatum
Leucothoe racemosa
Coreopsis gigantea
flannel bush
German rampion
Oenothera biennis
Epilobium canum canum
Sanvitalia procumbens
Mexican hyssop
Proboscidea louisianica
Haplopappus spinulosus
common unicorn plant
creeping zinnia
Agastache mexicana
giant coreopsis
common devil's claw
humming bird's trumpet
Calochortus nuttallii
field thistle
Cirsium discolor
California fuchsia
devil's claw
sweet bells
yellow spiny daisy
proboscis flower
Trautvetteria carolinensis
pleurisy root
Schinus molle
Peruvian mastic tree
tuber root
chigger flower
false bugbane
Panama redwood
heath aster
butterfly weed
Zinnia acerosa
scarlet musk flower
Asclepias tuberosa
Indian paintbrush
orange milkweed
white zinnia
Aster arenosus
pepper tree
Nyctaginia capitata

English words for 'a stout branching annual with large yellow to orange flower heads; Mexico and Central America'

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