Iris versicolor
blue flag
Iris pallida
Dalmatian iris
Dutch iris
Iris tingitana
Aster shortii
Short's aster
mouse ear
Myosotis scorpiodes
stiff gentian
Gentiana quinquefolia
Gentianella quinquefolia
ague weed
five-flowered gentian
common grape hyacinth
Muscari neglectum
goat rue
Iris verna
dwarf iris
vernal iris
Galega officinalis
goat's rue
blue toadflax
bottle gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
closed gentian
Gentianopsis crinita
old-field toadflax
blind gentian
Gentiana crinita
Linaria canadensis
butterfly pea
blue false indigo
Viola pedata
Clitoria mariana
bird's-foot violet
Baptisia australis
pansy violet
wood violet
blue sage
Salvia lancifolia
Salvia reflexa
Polemonium van-bruntiae
Veronica beccabunga
field scabious
Scabiosa arvensis
Jacob's ladder
Polemonium caeruleum
Greek valerian
European brooklime
Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae
Camassia quamash
common camas
roast beef plant
stinking gladwyn
gladdon iris
stinking iris
Iris foetidissima
field speedwell
Veronica agrestis
Catananche caerulea
Viccinium membranaceum
old-maid's bonnet
sundial lupine
cupid's dart
wild lupine
Lupinus perennis
Indian beet
blue succory
mountain blue berry
thin-leaved bilberry
blue-eyed Mary
low blueberry
Collinsia verna
Anchusa officinalis
Campanula americana
low-bush blueberry
tall bellflower
German iris
Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
Iris kochii
Centaurea cyanus
Vaccinium angustifolium
Scilla verna
sea onion
spring squill

English words for 'a common iris of the eastern United States having blue or blue-violet flowers; root formerly used medicinally'

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