wrap one's head around
in one's head
over the head
over one's head
off the top of one's head
head case
take someone's head off
coffin corner
bucket head
look over one's shoulder
carry over
broad shoulders
cling to
cut it close
look around
cut some shapes
in the middle of
on the nose
closed form
rub someone's face in
contemplate one's navel
break cover
look to
hang up one's hat
in a cleft stick
ghost skin
top edge
dirty pillow
piece of shit
see things
shoulder to shoulder
of a piece
break one's neck
tiptoe around
put aside
long way around
bottom edge
throw something in someone's face
to be named later
all over
outer core
close one's eyes
in view of
for it
all along
look through
front end
behind the curtain
stick in someone's throat
see you
rub someone's nose in
contact geometry
other side
in the pocket
cylinder head
roll up one's sleeves
keep one's head down
haul out
hold onto
hug of death
cut through
thick skin
body check
hide behind
first hand
piece of garbage
in the room
kill oneself
piece of trash
see the back of
once more
I'm sure
wet blanket
let us
look down
hold onto your hat
fit to kill
look out
bark dust
main character
stare at the wall
put through
bottom hand
on the other side of
on one's side
reckon for
over the top
front hole
side wall
velvet handcuffs
head butter
lip flap
built different
walk through
low-background lead
clean sheet
hang behind
total clearance

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see wrap, head, around.'

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