wobbly boots
boots and all
boots on the ground
kick one's heels
boot room
kick up one's heels
cold feet
dig one's heels in
rattle a sabre
rattle one's sabre
rattle the sabre
wild pansy
tread on someone's toes
as well as
wear the trousers
wriggle out of
pair of shoes
shove it up your ass
tail between one's legs
wallow in the mire
any more
on one's feet
sour cherry
coined name
bitter herbs
point one's toes
all kinds of
wild weasel
turn of foot
wild cherry
front foot
ironic error
as in
mountain plum
nail it
beaver tail
as far as
on the bum
scratch an itch
just so
one too many
this much
bear bait
very well
feet on the ground
no shit
have legs
rend one's garments
hatchet wound
all along
get one's leg over
in a cleft stick
show one's claws
spare tire
cling to
in diapers
as soon as
piece of shit
rake up
cat's claw
cunning linguist
extra stitch
new name
wombat trail
as much as
piece of junk
as much
shell shock
tell someone where to shove it
once more
on the deck
drill rig
lift a finger
new legs
bit of fluff
you know
exotic cheroot
cold back
top secret
first thing
cold finger
cold roll
just as well
they say
out of the woods
arctic bear
fluff one's lines
some old
shit on
upper storey
broom closet
all over
thatch weave

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see wobbly, boots.'

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