white crane
white crane style
feather in one's cap
cotton ceiling
white sheep
white corn
drop the bomb
drop a bomb
small reed
thatch weave
bucket head
invasive carp
Japanese crane
Manchurian crane
all there
touch grass
high ground
lawn sleeves
white belt
sea load
marsh grass
wash one's hands
on the ground
blow the roof off
haute piece
cylinder head
straw bed
on the deck
kid glove
drill rig
catch flies
flip the bird
piece of trash
against the grain
dredge up
round table
white wolf
off the top of one's head
white paper
white lady
hold water
small plate
nail it
Eurasian crane
piece of garbage
crow's bill
at sea
fly by
top hand
ground laurel
bottom hand
white man
drop someone in it
white worm
hang up one's hat
raise eyebrows
answer for
hold onto your hat
family roof
head case
space force
rend one's garments
just so
bottom edge
upper storey
light skirt
as far as
black sheep
on air
military power
power level
white hole
white horse
for it
brass nail
rattle the sabre
duck soup
table stakes
white girl
coined name
over one's head
sleepy sand
do it
chop it up
fall off one's perch
rare bird
see things
rattle a sabre
lamb's ears
high mass
drop a brick
rattle one's sabre
muss up

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see white, crane.'

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