broken man
quite poor
wobbly boots
on one's knees
fall to the ground
lean on
thin section
shove it up your ass
thin the herd
on the ground
get down
kick up one's heels
high ground
hard left
cut short
get one's arms around
poor boy
sour cherry
top secret
take a knee
down the road
tread on someone's toes
pull apart
almost all
break rigor
bottom edge
bend over backwards
lean towards
dig one's heels in
get bent out of shape
failure to thrive
on one's feet
cold feet
fall behind
fall off one's perch
lay a foundation
hard nut to crack
ground laurel
bitter herbs
kick one's heels
in the worst way
lay hands on
pain and suffering
feet on the ground
broken arrow
to the brim
let down
look down
offer a knee
tear it up
cold roll
fit in
small reed
lay behind
soft in the head
soft boy
clenched fist
weak tea
look up and down
low mass
tight spot
broad shoulders
move down
sour corn
mountain plum
hands down
leg man
flat out
fall back
piece of junk
go soak your head
conservative force
all kinds of
all there
as far as
each way
military power
in fighting trim
this much
upper storey
rough ride
push and shove
any more
break through
boots on the ground
climb down
ironic error
raised fist
right side

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see weak, kneed.'

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