wash one's hands
with both hands
put one's hands on
two left hands
hands down
free hand
bottom hand
top hand
open wash
lay hands on
first hand
cut both ways
inspect the plumbing
hold water
nail it
water power
piece of trash
cut through
piece of goods
bucket head
get work done
very well
Dutch touch
body of water
run with scissors
water closet
work through
brush down
hold onto
they say
coined name
cold finger
chop it up
hold a mirror to
damaged goods
look to
cut out
cut some shapes
pull apart
work in
touch grass
touch oneself
cut short
toilet water
have work done
have one's eye on
cut it close
hard left
dirty laundry
piece of garbage
cut down to size
for it
release the handbrake
slap on the wrist
in despite of
front load
first thing
look up and down
on the
kid glove
of a piece
lift a finger
chew on
choose sides
clean sheet
cut down
deep cut
in the middle of
right to work
piece of shit
deep water
broom closet
work out
power supply
hand in one's checks
do for
just so
brass nail
cling to
in a cleft stick
show one's claws
do it
cut it fine
rend one's garments
hold it
see things
navigable waters
take it
mint chocolate chip
just as well
wrap one's head around
skin a flint
chop down

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see wash, one's, hands.'

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