urban lumberjack
rake up
fudge packer
broom closet
invasive carp
house mover
street name
slitting mill
clear the neighborhood
hard left
new town
cities and counties
the rubber meets the road
city and county
on the ground
cunning linguist
wobbly boots
on rails
on the wagon
piece of junk
brick house
move furniture
rake off
brick and mortar
hack it
bricks and mortar
old town
pull a train
mortgage deed
dirty linen
switch blade
bear bait
out of the woods
dead wood
power supply
stick with
stick to
down the road
ride one's bumper
on the bum
horse dick
in the middle of
built different
thieves' Latin
drive off
breach of promise
in a cleft stick
sewing needle
on the road
boots and all
coined name
knock on the door of
tell someone where to shove it
drive home
roll up one's sleeves
area of influence
dick-measuring contest
wild weasel
new name
bite the curb
caught stealing
get work done
historical society
cling to
make no mistake
drill rig
piece of garbage
as in
hard nut to crack
black gangster
German wheel
damaged goods
in the pocket
no shit
patter flash
core city
right to work
take a flyer
low-background steel
trade paint
haunted house
yank someone's chain
beaver tail
fluff one's lines
piece of trash
shove it up your ass
hack away

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see urban, lumberjack.'

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