trans widow
as well as
original character
little person
some old
miss the memo
family celebrant
miss oneself
paternal grandmother
from the dead
late antique
wild life
human race
travel bug
any old
little old
wild rue
older brother
another place
this much
cross one's heart
new name
little woman
ghost skin
old sod
old-fashioned look
naked lady
without a hitch
take the L
your man
they say
historical society
maternal grandmother
wild pansy
walk away
young lady
gender minority
weird matching
in a family way
take a flyer
shotgun marriage
see things
about that life
I see you
look through
suck out
best friend
upset the natives
dead men
best man
older adult
that ain't it
leave no trace
far from
as it were
leave behind
common crossing
dead leg
older sister
for you
right to life
extreme prejudice
see you
as in
hide behind
ladies' lounge
reckon without
old gentleman
any more
you know
simple English
step off
talk to
well met
fuck you
not see straight
for it
mare's teat
out of line
as soon as
very well
put aside
wriggle out of
thatch weave
drag in
only move
black lady
look to
away from home
leave out
no shit
reckon for
hug of death

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see trans, widow.'

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