thin the herd
thin section
herd cats
wild goat
as far as
have a cow
black sheep
short list
white sheep
rare animal
all kinds of
lesser spotted
marginal farmer
far out
beaver tail
coined name
little person
on the ground
piece of meat
go narrow
just so
cut short
beaver eater
in the middle of
almost all
farm market
writ small
extra extra small
pet name
indeterminate verb
in despite of
extra small
historical society
significance level
stick to
extra extra extra small
small words
high note
piece of junk
put aside
all over
wild cherry
in fighting trim
all there
white wolf
is it
piece of goods
what was that
far from
giant deer
that's all
short code
family roof
low mass
stick with
tight spot
yellow goat
upper storey
flat out
rural coach
get some
wild weasel
on talking terms
on the wagon
best man
hang out to dry
quite poor
well met
answer for
not see straight
by all means
first thing
sour corn
as in
see things
to the brim
all the same
bare one's breast
hot stuff
hidden quantity
guess what
this much
look into
full name
as much
reckon for
very well
put out to pasture
mare's teat
not long
poor boy

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see thin, the, herd.'

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