the nerve of
hatchet wound
touch oneself
rake up
brain damage
rattle the sabre
rattle a sabre
hands down
rattle one's sabre
area of influence
extra stitch
screw back
brass nail
beat one's face
sewing needle
switch blade
nail it
in the field
electrical field
in the middle of
run with scissors
on rails
point of inquiry
slap on the wrist
write up
cat's tongue
on the nose
fifth nerve
body check
any more
take a stab at
put one's hands on
right side
have one's eye on
contemplate one's navel
contact geometry
is it
each way
lead in one's pencil
whistle for
stick in someone's throat
in view of
first hand
lift a finger
rub someone's nose in
broad shoulders
kid glove
for it
show one's claws
close one's eyes
bottom hand
cut short
too soon
use to
alarm bell
think of
piece of shit
rub someone's face in
lay hands on
as soon as
in the front row
this much
cunning linguist
skin a flint
broken man
on any view
answer for
Dutch touch
word play
hit the rack
the bee's knees
how's that
public comment
bone in her teeth
as well as
twist someone's arm
push on
first thing
let's know
in the process of
off one's meds
pain and suffering
wrong side
black thumb
hard left

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see the, nerve, of.'

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