talking catfish
shark bait
flying fish
on talking terms
dead fish
talk to
bear bait
dialogue tag
spoken word
fish kill
talk about
gone fishing
shark baiter
ground shark
at sea
chew on
as well as
crab claw
speak for
feather in one's cap
swear at
pet name
coined name
invasive carp
wading bird
guess what
they say
not so fast
show one's claws
public comment
boat person
fishing expedition
oh really
get the memo
lost in the sauce
sea load
as soon as
go on then
ask for it
good word
this much
rattle one's sabre
come up
rattle a sabre
first hand
rattle the sabre
on the deck
word play
you know
I can tell you
cat's tongue
lip flap
too soon
shit on
inner voice
new name
tell someone where to shove it
in contention
I'm sure
little person
come into
for you
see you
muss up
full name
crab market
ducks guts
ducks' guts
duck's guts
contemplate one's navel
tell all
what's the difference
what do you know
come for
chew off
historical society
duck soup
given name
on someone's back
in sync
be on the lookout
all along
indirect expression
I see you
let's know
significance level
die on the vine
hold water
upset the natives
for it
edible crab
lose the plot
all there
cool it
plum in one's mouth

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see talking, catfish.'

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