tail between one's legs
get one's leg over
tread on someone's toes
have legs
feet on the ground
front foot
turn of foot
on one's feet
leg man
new legs
pair of shoes
wobbly boots
beaver tail
kick up one's heels
my foot
boots on the ground
dig one's heels in
pull back
at the feet of
point one's toes
walk in straight lines
run barefoot through
dead leg
walk a straight line
all along
kick one's heels
bottom hand
lay hands on
wallow in the mire
curl someone's hair
flat on one's back
broken tail
walk all over
boots and all
cold tail
dead tail
frozen tail
swimmer's tail
drag one's heels
raccoon tail
on someone's back
walk back
hands down
nether region
on one's back
off the top of one's head