super straight
lay pipe
bonus hole
superabundant number
big whoop
all there
grand scheme
prime the pump
just as well
in the barrel
very well
wild cherry
whistle for
all along
run deep
any more
brandy bottle
cool it
power level
high note
brick and mortar
water power
extra large
extra extra large
extra extra extra large
no big whoop
well met
muss up
first thing
as it were
wild mint
out of the box
put a pin in
stunning and brave
in the field
pour out
this much
quick match
large format
great deal
golden chain
sour cherry
main drag
big ticket
just so
you know
what was that
main sequence
power supply
inner source
lightning in a bottle
all over
hard metal
term out
they say
mountain plum
wild mustard
high mass
canary bird
light cone
best man
oil and water don't mix
under the pump
spit out
upper storey
out of line
paste up
full name
suck out
exotic cheroot
dynamite charge
top secret
first hand
swear at
rye seed
extra extra small
to the highest degree
ever so
deep cut
extra small
full circle
pure finder
stone paste
guess what
go narrow
come for
extra extra extra small

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see super, pipe.'

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