walk in straight lines
walk a straight line
not see straight
kick one's heels
dig one's heels in
kick up one's heels
flush out
bend over backwards
screw you
dance to a different tune
screw back
drag in
angle for
get bent out of shape
close one's eyes
rub off
color outside the lines
cool it
shove it up your ass
dance to a new tune
turn with every wind
rub someone's nose in
wriggle out of
lay behind
shit the bed
drag up
get it
have legs
rub up on
tell someone where to shove it
pull out
let slide
tear it up
rub someone's face in
rend one's garments
look out
wear the trousers
roll out
turn one's coat
get to know
fall to the ground
suck out
walk in