spit fire
put out a fire
dumpster fire
add fuel to the fire
fight fires
spit out
red mist
die in a fire
rub someone's nose in
first night
lay pipe
stick in someone's throat
red mud
witch's hat
flamingo tongue
piece of shit
cigarette burn
hot stuff
sour cherry
ghost skin
horse piss
cup of tea
as well as
stick with
stone paste
bark dust
hot pie
just so
they say
smoke-filled room
guess what
on the nose
smoke dope
tell all
shoot off
wild cherry
piece of goods
get used
black mud
dry powder
give someone the boot
cake crumbs
cake and wine
see things
any more
first thing
get to know
drop a brick
shoot up
run by
indeterminate verb
blow away
drop the bomb
pour out
out of the woods
get work done
not so hot
thatch weave
catch on fire
kick up
make it rain
I'm sure
drop a bomb
throw something in someone's face
you know
show one's claws
come hither
hear things
cup of coffee
as in
well met
piece of cake
get it on
cooking with gas
lightning in a bottle
get it
Dutch oven
oh really
piece of junk
speak for
come out
what was that
thick tea
put butter on one's bread
work nights
in a cleft stick
unknown quantity
leave the nest
reckon without

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see spit, fire.'

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