shark bait
shark baiter
ground shark
flying fish
fish kill
talking catfish
bear bait
dead fish
crab claw
boat person
feather in one's cap
chew on
make waves
sea load
edible crab
duck's guts
gone fishing
ducks guts
lip flap
ducks' guts
whale tail
duck soup
catch it
at sea
navigable waters
wading bird
fishing expedition
brown crab
hold water
invasive carp
first hand
catch flies
show one's claws
lamb's ears
I'm sure
strange matter
walk on water
rattle a sabre
lash back
head case
rattle one's sabre
rattle the sabre
see things
ground beetle
oh really
deep water
crab market
gut punch
shoot a bird
wild weasel
mosquito bite
just so
bowl a googly
body of water
for it
flip the bird
guess what
talk to
monkey lips
other side
thickskin shark
water can
pull someone's chain
look to
small reed
brown shark
contemplate one's navel
reckon for
muss up
chew off
over the head
fresh meat
over one's head
hold it
water power
yacht people
brain damage
hunting leopard
dead bird
all over
canary bird
what's the difference
black beetle
yacht person
black sheep
big fish in a little pond
marsh grass
how's that
on the deck
direct provision

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see shark, bait.'

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