security service
security detail
denial of services
denial of service
extra service
jail lock
security officer
box and lock
top secret
in the interest of justice
hack it
direct provision
power level
velvet handcuffs
as it were
jail bars
in the line of duty
safe place
protected area
alarm bell
military power
as it is
prison pocket
mail it in
get onto
for it
hack away
power supply
look into
in the field
right man
have a safe trip home
let us
job order
historical society
I'm sure
area of influence
as much
principal city
not want to do that
what was that
is it
direct access
for your information
as much as
freedom of speech
as well as
back off
get used
good job
significance level
street name
little old
minor orders
coined name
for you
just so
do one's duty
rule of law
oh really
back into
give someone a ring
out of the box
in favor
as soon as
electrical field
get around
good word
yank someone's chain
cool it
in the middle of
shit on
in the works
rebel flag
on rails
on the fence
good for someone
public comment
they say
simple English
as in
get it on
total clearance
convertible security
get outside
extreme prejudice

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see security, service.'

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