screw you
screw back
nail it
go screw yourself
in the groove
dig one's heels in
hard nut to crack
broken man
hard left
hack it
flip over
shove it up your ass
tell someone where to shove it
hands down
slap on the wrist
step off
flush out
cold finger
down the road
switch blade
brass nail
deep cut
turn of foot
bonus hole
put a crimp in
shit on
step on
rattle a sabre
straight lace
fuck off
cut through
guess what
move down
let down
let slide
slide off
rattle the sabre
fuck you
rattle one's sabre
hatchet wound
bottom hand
gut punch
put down
cut short
all there
my foot
wheel out
rolling in it
pull apart
kick one's heels
right man
top secret
look down
beat down
pull out
right side
for it
in a cleft stick
not see straight
first hand
roll out
tear away
all along
cling to
drill rig
in the worst way
contemplate one's navel
get the memo
clenched fist
speak for
tread on someone's toes
turn to
whistle for
come into
put one's hands on
come with
make no mistake
cut it fine
angle for
suck someone's cock
get down
get bent out of shape
suck out
tight spot
fall to the ground
down there
write down
breach of promise
point one's toes
once more
come apart
spit out
run with scissors
keep one's head down
go astray
put a pin in
dirty pillow

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see screw, you.'

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