rural coach
home training
sports fan
first school
team player
central dogma
reckon for
get work done
on talking terms
as well as
learn to walk before one can run
I'm sure
on the ground
educational visit
speak for
look into
on the
for you
on the road
farmer's daughter
model village
go on the scout
wild life
disagree with
oh really
tell someone where to shove it
take the L
you know
dumpster fire
right to life
project management
rough ride
simple English
guess what
captain's try
get outside
all along
spit fire
garden path
go hard
in the middle of
area of influence
in the worst way
with training wheels
what do you know
let on
wild pansy
on one's side
push forward
beat someone's time
put it to
as it is
put out to pasture
take a flyer
that's what's up
down the road
upset the natives
right man
require improvement
as in
I see you
high road
thin the herd
get used
talk to
get onto
main character
answer for
gentle sex
fit in
for it
just so
professional student
use to
very well
go to work
hit too close to home
wombat trail
what's the difference
thin section
fight fires
in the field
send up
common name
energy level
this much
on that note
go for
another place
shoot off
yank someone's chain
house mover
cook up
put through
as far as
active shooter

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rural, coach.'

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