roll in the hay
rolling in it
get off at Haymarket
on the wagon
roll out
roll up one's sleeves
straw bed
on the ground
ground hornbill
the rubber meets the road
spear biscuits
look into
farm market
on the
square meal
wheel out
rake up
duck's guts
ducks' guts
ducks guts
dirty linen
farmer's daughter
cling to
pass up
piece of trash
what's the difference
in the middle of
lawn sleeves
bite the curb
bucket head
hop up
round table
as in
fresh meat
throw up
in a cleft stick
throw about
cook up
haute piece
in the front row
in one's head
put out to pasture
rocking stool
on the other side of
reckon for
to the brim
pound the table
drill rig
front load