red ball
hide the ball
red man
white ball
red dog
red car
throw someone a curve
sports fan
red mist
play along
red mud
scarlet red
red shirt
red-hot poker
play on
throw shade
word play
little pink
the bee's knees
coined name
throw back
in the game
bird ball
bright shiny object
light painting
throw about
right man
be there
complete game
right side
side wall
old rose
too soon
straw bed
team player
in the field
bowl a googly
live in
catch flies
rend one's garments
throw up
piece of shit
very well
in favor
reckon for
as soon as
red spiral
to the point
good word
let someone have it
throw the book at
this much
red ape
quite good
beat out
first hand
fun house
ever so
beat it
on one's side
throw some shapes
look to
one joke
tea egg
not long
kick one's heels
in the middle of
rub off
alarm bell
serve someone right
new name
one too many
take it
come for
shit the bed
East End
on the ground
swinging dick
a good look
stick to
took one's eye off the ball
some kind of
answer for
in one's book
first thing
agree with
come hither
make a move
for it
rub someone's nose in
skin a flint
is it

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see red, ball.'

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