rebel flag
Spanish flag
military power
dick-measuring contest
dragon flag
enemy combatant
take a flyer
conservative force
miss the memo
any more
all along
stunning and brave
wild rue
as well as
they say
freedom of speech
extreme prejudice
wallow in the mire
I'm sure
to be named later
on the bum
security detail
coined name
crow's bill
what's the difference
power level
as it were
as it is
new name
original character
angle of attack
rattle the saber
rattle a saber
put aside
rattle one's saber
reckon without
black supremacy
public comment
raised fist
I see you
people's republic
shove it up your ass
in contention
as soon as
believe me
as far as
what was that
high note
speak for
full name
don't mention it
as in
on the
let us
warrior ant
switch blade
come into
guess what
upset the natives
you know
on someone's back
devil's grip
right man
in despite of
shoot off
train bombing
water power
all over
get the memo
in the field
in favor
go astray
walk the gangplank
point of inquiry
very well
on rails
Portuguese man-of-war
no shit
on that note
l'état, c'est moi
risk aversion
desert rose
alarm bell
send up
area of influence
given name
beat out
well met
total clearance
legitimate interest
come with
lead off
if you know what I mean
Canadian soldier
beat one's face

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rebel, flag.'

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