pumpkin suit
bridal wreath
piece of cake
paper flower
piece of the pie
reckon for
die in a fire
paradise nut
haute piece
dead wood
cake crumbs
for it
birthday suit
brick and mortar
yellow cake
ghost skin
cake and wine
fancy house
as in
Christmas present
piece of junk
piece of goods
fine artist
thatch weave
bishop's mantle
as well as
stone bow
slice the pie
wear the trousers
to the brim
bark dust
rend one's garments
slice of the pie
fancy man
horse manure
piece of shit
diamond ring
believe me
in a cleft stick
in despite of
on the
bricks and mortar
right to life
see things
die on the vine
live in
fit in
on the ground
red mist
rye seed
once more
as it is
lawn sleeves
by oneself
all kinds of
desert rose
haunted house
artist's conception
coffin corner
answer for
stone paste
in the house
sweet cherry
piece of meat
angel food
old-fashioned look
reindeer corn
roll in the hay
witch's hat
rake up
go for
straw bed
speak for
spear biscuits
hug of death
right to work
come through
lardy bread
very well
wild cherry
in the middle of
dead men
plum blossom
best man
from the dead
leave the nest
cold roll
reckon without
hang up one's hat
on the nose

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see pumpkin, suit.'

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