Prince of Darkness
dark night
night air
dark star
dark space
first night
lord and master
in the dark
lion's den
lion's mane
deep sleep
see daylight
black man
last big thing
your man
see things
paradise nut
artist's conception
out of the woods
ghost skin
original character
in God's name
blazing star
on the
master of the mint
black sand
light painting
strange matter
blue light
from the dead
look through
family jewels
dark horse
stare at the wall
haunted house
the devil
desert rose
come through
God knew
light cone
close one's eyes
cult film
dream house
main character
spirit man
to the brim
red man
wild rue
black thumb
old rose
dirty pillow
without recourse
act of God
grey amber
basement dweller
dark market
dead men
inner source
I'll show you
cat's eye
head case
spoken word
cast a shadow
in one's book
coined name
unknown quantity
white soul
star vehicle
upright man
blue book
dead wood
come to
piece of shit
stunning and brave
wild life
big whoop
only son
work nights
built different
brain damage
witch's hat
best man
believe me
beautiful music
hidden quantity
dark kitchen
hide behind
named person

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see prince, darkness.'

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