prime the pump
under the pump
principal part
master of the mint
oil and water don't mix
out of the box
of that ilk
box and lock
lay pipe
in the field
in the barrel
lost in the sauce
outer core
pour out
what do you know
main sequence
you know
do well
spit fire
main drag
first thing
cooking with gas
direct provision
if I'm not there, start without me
inner core
in God's name
they say
to be named later
water power
alternative fact
toilet water
this much
any more
dry powder
in the groove
let's know
tell someone where to shove it
put a pin in
very well
full name
look into
is it
bonus hole
power supply
wild mustard
see you
coined name
direct registering
rye seed
just so
guess what
pure finder
to the brim
minor orders
stone paste
as in
right man
lord and master
bowl a googly
front load
do it
how's that
top secret
thin section
new name
simple machine
I'm sure
not want to do that
head butter
gut punch
black thumb
bottom hand
one too many
contemplate one's navel
minor order
extra extra small
do for
trickle down
for it
total clearance
get to fuck
hidden quantity
run deep
get to know
add fuel to the fire
bulk bill
for you
in despite of
extra extra extra small
deep dive
flush out
come for
I can tell you
hydraulic ram
extra small

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see prime, the, pump.'

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