poison pill
red pill
poison the well
pill to swallow
sugar pill
black pill
pill in the pocket
drug deal
bitter pill
off one's meds
white pill
bitter pill to swallow
brain damage
hormone therapy
shit on
I'm sure
any more
all over
very well
oh really
take one's medicine
as well as
health code
for it
reckon for
piece of trash
reparative therapy
what's your pleasure
chew off
take a stab at
fuck you
scheme theory
in despite of
on acid
bad bitch
take with
wrong side
what do you know
this much
travel bug
damaged goods
Circean poison
take it
chew on
as in
on the
bitch goddess
mosquito bite
you know
sick and tired
what was that
dirty pillow
silly bean
look back
use to
extra stitch
cunning linguist
hack it
suck someone's cock
step off
of that ilk
on someone's back
see things
fuck off
hatchet wound
step on
head case
see you
in the process of
guess what
on steroids
piece of shit
ghost skin
sea load
on the bum
cool it
hack away
paste up
no shit
as much as
from the dead
see the back of
once more
look to
scratch an itch
as much
elephant juice
another place
bag of shells
show one's claws

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see poison, pill.'

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