plum in one's mouth
plum blossom
string of pearls
mountain plum
sour cherry
very well
wild cherry
is it
chew on
you know
see things
piece of shit
wild mint
pearl necklace
rattle one's sabre
they say
show one's claws
quite good
rattle the sabre
rattle a sabre
come into
catch it
put a pin in
thatch weave
good word
strawberry leaf
sweet cherry
whistle for
nail it
black gum
just so
wild mustard
get to know
come hither
see you
not long
piece of poop
spit out
tell all
come out
bit between one's teeth
once more
rub someone's nose in
coined name
piece of cake
any more
first thing
in despite of
on the nose
spoken word
good and
ever so
this much
in the barrel
gut punch
feather in one's cap
bitter herbs
in the field
chew off
hear things
not out
get used
for it
pure finder
not so fast
stone bow
fruit and flowers
wallow in the mire
all there
canary bird
lip flap
ground laurel
for a fact
all kinds of
get in
a good look
step off
lemony fresh
paper flower
cold roll
just as well
good for someone
look to
flamingo tongue
go in
rolling in it
cool it
lightning in a bottle
peaches and cream
get some
go on then
rub off
get the memo
soap plant
for you
first hand

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see plum, in, mouth.'

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