Parliamentary heel
turn of foot
kick up one's heels
on one's feet
tread on someone's toes
front foot
kick one's heels
feet on the ground
my foot
dig one's heels in
leg man
pair of shoes
wobbly boots
get one's leg over
point one's toes
shove it up your ass
wallow in the mire
old enough to vote
tail between one's legs
kangaroo piss
only move
cold feet
down the road
extreme prejudice
new legs
ironic error
right man
tell someone where to shove it
point of inquiry
as far as
wear the trousers
right side
choose sides
boots on the ground
boots and all
dance to a new tune
walk in
other side
on the other side of
roll up one's sleeves
at the feet of
walk away
extra extra extra small
make a move
step on
push and shove
extra extra small
extra small
push on
raised fist
turn to
walk through
what was that
hard nut to crack
once more
on one's side
have legs
house mover
push back
upright man
pull back
move down
nail it
just so
legal consequence
get outside
hip thrust
walk back
not see straight
for you
stand with
run barefoot through
pull apart
conservative force
on one's back
bottom hand
squeeze out
get one's arms around
move forward
move it
people's republic
velvet handcuffs
far out
go up for
push forward
marriage inequality
break cover
push through
break rigor
rend one's garments
any more

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see parliamentary, heel.'

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