mountain plum
wild cherry
sour cherry
plum in one's mouth
mountain apple
ground laurel
plum blossom
stone bow
piece of shit
on the ground
cold roll
coined name
drop a brick
sweet cherry
very well
to pieces
cold feet
dig one's heels in
see things
bitter herbs
wobbly boots
desert rose
rub off
flat cracker
angle for
any more
blow the roof off
all there
almost all
string of pearls
lay pipe
is it
gold plate
high ground
hang up one's hat
you know
show one's claws
piece of cake
of a piece
sour corn
bear fruit
cut it fine
look up
step on
stone paste
hard nut to crack
all over
bright spot
lightning in a bottle
point one's toes
this much
on one's side
strawberry leaf
tell all
a good look
in view of
boots and all
brass nail
fall to the ground
cake and wine
come into
answer for
wild rue
evergreen oak
blow a hole through
once more
short list
wild mint
thick tea
cut short
straw bed
piece of trash
in the middle of
shit on
full name
red mud
dirty linen
just as well
nail it
stand with
front load
boots on the ground
just so
piece of garbage
any old
look down
good and
look out
for it
lead off
on any view
all along
in despite of
climb down
on the
historical society

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see mountain, plum.'

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