mint chocolate chip
master of the mint
wild mint
gold plate
gold coin
small plate
on one's plate
bowl a googly
Belgian chocolate
peanut butter and jelly
nail it
plum in one's mouth
hot plate
head butter
piece of cake
cake crumbs
wash one's hands
feather in one's cap
butter face
black gum
little pink
monkey lips
tomato juice
gut punch
square meal
wild mustard
golden egg
cake and wine
mountain plum
sweet cherry
water power
fudge packer
field mint
eat it
piece of goods
spear biscuits
in the barrel
silver foil
silly bean
bear fruit
brandy bottle
brass nail
lord and master
make tick
lost in the sauce
oil and water don't mix
top hand
paradise nut
rub off
thick tea
box and lock
bear bait
awesome sauce
bread and butter
pearl necklace
sweet cherry liqueur
very well
Chinese cherry
lash back
bag of shells
waffle maker
hot pie
sour cherry
chew on
slap in the face
grease spot
lightning in a bottle
string of pearls
power supply
work through
piece of poop
black thumb
that ain't it
work in
wild cherry
piece of shit
eat out of the palm of someone's hand
look into
poison the well
in God's name
cup of coffee
small beer
on the
paper wall

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see mint, chocolate chip.'

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