meat and potatoes
fresh meat
mashed potatoes
piece of meat
count chickens
square meal
cook up
food truck
bread and butter
chicken fillet
chicken liver
spear biscuits
squash player
O'Brien potatoes
straw bed
cask wine
haute piece
put butter on one's bread
look into
white potato
Irish potato
eat shit
hit too close to home
on one's plate
in the barrel
cut the cheese
of that ilk
coined name
farmer's daughter
fancy house
gold plate
against the grain
tits up
paradise nut
eat out of the palm of someone's hand
on the
piece of cake
shoot through
sour corn
angel food
sewing needle
eat it
hard cheese
any more
star vehicle
piece of goods
farm market
sofa spud
beat it
built different
head butter
piece of the pie
duck soup
guess what
significance level
hit me
family roof
slice the pie
cooking with gas
put one's hands on
answer for
slice of the pie
pig fucker
put a pin in
shoot a bird
roll in the hay
I'm sure
cheese eating
black sheep
body check
let's know
hot pie
take a stab at
just so
hit the rack
of a piece
dog's breakfast
eat out
cow bite
pet name
beat someone's time
white corn
herd cats
what was that
put out to pasture

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see meat, and, potatoes.'

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