low mass
high mass
extra extra extra small
extra extra small
unknown quantity
extra small
heavy lifting
thin section
hidden quantity
space force
high ground
small room
extra extra large
extra extra extra large
power level
hard metal
heavy machinery
extra large
bare metal
small words
scale up
as far as
little person
far out
high note
fit in
piece of goods
upper storey
haute piece
low-background steel
deep water
well met
to pieces
for it
top secret
large format
lesser spotted
of a piece
answer for
just so
to the brim
thin the herd
run deep
dick-measuring contest
sum of parts
strange matter
wallow in the mire
is it
for a fact
in the field
very well
the measure of a man
big whoop
against the grain
bonus hole
writ small
piece of junk
minor orders
in despite of
on paper
on the ground
any more
rare animal
square rod
reckon without
cut short
fat fantasy
piece of shit
piece of the pie
alternative fact
short list
quite poor
hard nut to crack
all there
sea load
at sea
military power
simple machine
water power
this much
energy level
hot stuff
piece of meat
too big for one's britches

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see low, mass.'

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