loan creation
loan formation
false loan
mortgage deed
false borrowing
jail bars
front end
direct provision
financial advisor
coined name
legally binding
starting price
lay a foundation
legal consequence
on account of
inspect the plumbing
brandy bottle
crow's bill
prison pocket
culpable homicide
on rails
in the biblical sense
semantic calque
breach of promise
loan meaning
small beer
closed form
in God's name
bulk bill
on the
call it square
semantic borrowing
bonus hole
open wash
end credits
in the process of
jail lock
caveat loan
pointy end
swing loan
end titles
act of God
cash on the line
oh really
to be named later
Swiss bank account
give me
university professor
gut punch
true crime
single money
bad penny
found money
any more
all the same
given name
give paw
sewing needle
historical society
first hand
take no prisoners
on loan
shit on
damaged goods
sacrificial poet
speak for
what was that
quite poor
family jewels
slush fund
on the fence
answer for
stone bow
project management
genetic modification
right man
total clearance
do well
this much
on talking terms
as it were
very well
first school
power supply

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see loan, creation (the disbursement of credits etc.)'

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