let's dance
song and dance
dance to a different tune
kick one's heels
kick up one's heels
dance to a new tune
devil dancing
street dance
kick up
rocking stool
turn of foot
as well as
make a move
dance on a rope
only move
straight lace
move it
on that note
walk a straight line
in concert
walk in straight lines
beat out
for it
dig one's heels in
main drag
move furniture
exercise for the reader
shit on
front foot
walk the gangplank
move down
let's know
throw up
turn in one's grave
dirty dancing
right man
right side
beat down
on one's feet
as in
soft shoe
on the
on one's side
tread on someone's toes
disagree with
hop on
I'm sure
in fighting trim
bend over backwards
not want to do that
shove it up your ass
agree with
for you
on the ground
play tricks
how's that
point one's toes
drag in
what do you know
fall back
beat someone's time
beat it
have legs
as it is
on talking terms
drag up
move around
get one's arms around
wheel out
hip thrust
come up with
leave with the one that brung ya
leave with the one who brought you
leave with the one who brung you
that's what's up
they say
leave with the one what brought ya
leg man
play along
leave with the one what brought you
let us
leave with the one that brung you
leave with the one who brought ya
leave with the one who brung ya
get on to
leave with the one what brung ya
leave with the one that brought ya
leave with the one what brung you
sketch out
show one's claws