kick one's heels
kick up one's heels
let's dance
turn of foot
dig one's heels in
kick up
dance to a different tune
wobbly boots
leg man
boots on the ground
dance to a new tune
cold feet
front foot
shove it up your ass
tread on someone's toes
have legs
feet on the ground
hip thrust
on one's feet
pair of shoes
boots and all
main drag
only move
straight lace
song and dance
any more
walk a straight line
hop on
my foot
shit on
move it
walk in straight lines
devil dancing
new legs
fall to the ground
all along
make a move
in fighting trim
run barefoot through
get one's arms around
walk in
on the ground
get bent out of shape
play tricks
show one's claws
move forward
tell someone where to shove it
walk the gangplank
drag in