kangaroo piss
canary bird
pig fucker
duck's guts
chicken liver
ducks' guts
ducks guts
gut punch
fuck y'all
duck soup
wild turkey
on the bum
lick someone's ass
fuck me
suck someone's cock
fuck you
shove it up your ass
mosquito bite
shit on
for Africa
wobbly boots
wild weasel
as far as
wild pansy
fuck off
warrior ant
new legs
get fucked
pet name
any more
slap in the face
no shit
rattle a sabre
coined name
rattle the sabre
wading bird
rattle one's sabre
muss up
get to fuck
monkey lips
eat shit
mad cow
silly bean
the devil
bear bait
red mud
just so
sour corn
bowl a googly
squirrel friend
poison the well
crow's bill
on the
Rhodesian man
cow bite
paradise nut
as soon as
lion's mane
banana oil
spit out
arctic bear
horse piss
beaver tail
Hawaiian goose
marsh grass
thatch weave
wallow in the mire
clenched fist
smoke dope
lost in the sauce
what's the difference
black mud
exotic cheroot
brown crab
rub someone's nose in
funny man
as well as
raised fist
red ape
first thing
chew off
in despite of
chew on
first hand
edible frog
ironic error
mummy war
get wrong
you know
eat it
hunting cat
new name
look into
piece of shit
herd cats
get some
very well

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see kangaroo, piss.'

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