iron ring
ring a bell
diamond ring
brass nail
nail it
silver foil
security detail
give someone a ring
hard nut to crack
as it is
hard metal
bare metal
box and lock
black thumb
rattle a sabre
rattle one's sabre
rattle the sabre
as it were
low-background steel
switch blade
wobbly boots
spear biscuits
in the groove
hang up one's hat
as well as
square rod
in Roblox
put a pin in
whistle for
any more
crow's bill
cold finger
small words
as in
drill rig
good word
screw you
Mickey Mouse ring
in the field
rolling in it
wrong side
German wheel
some old
feather in one's cap
small reed
alarm bell
gold coin
to be named later
as soon as
yank someone's chain
tie the knot
flat cracker
rotten egg
black sand
little old
broken man
on the ground
in a cleft stick
for it
just as well
cling to
circle back
front hole
one too many
this much
piece of junk
cunning linguist
throw the book at
poacher's gun
strange matter
drilling rig
grand scheme
bonus hole
too soon
ground sloth
scheme theory
cold roll
rare bird
any old
top secret
all along
cold back
inner core
they say
bark dust
spoken word
just so
family jewels
stone paste
drop a brick
on rails
throw some shapes
in one's head
gut punch
other side

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see iron, ring.'

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