invasive carp
on the deck
hunting cat
angle of attack
catch it
is it
take a stab at
on the ground
in fighting trim
whip the cat
any more
pet name
show one's claws
feather in one's cap
in the middle of
piece of junk
extra stitch
built different
herd cats
thatch weave
cat's claw
all there
as it is
look into
very well
fish kill
as well as
rattle the sabre
as in
not so fast
rattle one's sabre
they say
just so
rattle a sabre
let's know
for it
black sheep
move it
area of influence
all kinds of
put aside
this much
touch grass
look to
see things
cling to
catch flies
switch blade
chew on
of that ilk
bear bait
new name
security detail
see the back of
wild goat
shoot a bird
hard left
on the
hold onto your hat
coined name
cut through
double-edged sword
you know
stick to
hold it
brass nail
legal notice
in despite of
kid glove
piece of meat
live in
in a cleft stick
first hand
only move
skin a flint
alternative fact
hold onto
police beat
all over
speak for
haute piece
wild weasel
in the field
look around
fishing expedition
piece of trash
marsh grass
use to
allied arts
as it were
on that note
protected area
run with scissors
to pieces
extra small
extra extra small
foreign affairs
extra extra extra small

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see invasive, carp.'

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