have a cow
mad cow
wild goat
herd cats
giant deer
rare animal
cow bite
just so
you alright
let someone have it
send up
tell someone where to shove it
black sheep
have one's eye on
put aside
see you
be there
have a safe trip home
well met
thin the herd
in sync
tell all
have one's name on
is it
come with
come hither
right man
I see you
have it going on
come into
invasive carp
come to
all there
pet name
all the same
come across
no big whoop
give notice
guess what
see things
I can tell you
come for
agree with
they say
ever so
see the back of
give me
send away
get the memo
country punk
have someone going
quite good
to the brim
throw back
go to
hear things
of that ilk
pass up
you know
without recourse
I'm sure
go along
red dog
alternative fact
in the middle of
almost all
only move
white wolf
for a fact
have legs
stick with
how's that
go amiss
put on
all along
lamb's ears
without a hitch
coined name
come up with
just as well
come up
as in
have someone's number
your man
great deal
in despite of
not see straight
high note
best man
let on
put it to
beaver tail
original character

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see have, a, cow.'

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