hand in one's checks
body check
with both hands
take with
first hand
stand with
have one's eye on
bottom hand
any more
take the L
they say
take a stab at
point of inquiry
speak for
to the point
black thumb
use to
get the memo
look to
first thing
you know
direct registering
go to
take it
give notice
in one's head
in the pocket
hold onto
agree with
legal notice
head case
table stakes
see things
look over one's shoulder
keep in
in despite of
put one's hands on
right to work
print money
high note
cold finger
in view of
pointy end
step on
in a cleft stick
by all means
how's that
pure finder
lead in
lay hands on
tell all
in the field
tell the truth
take a grab
on that note
in the middle of
find in
take a flyer
work in
let on
go at
work out
work through
look into
turn in one's grave
ever so
chew on
good and
read the mail
hold it
get onto
for it
come into
get on to
pass up
trust someone to
get the drawers
to the brim
slap on the wrist
lead on
pass over
come hither
over the head
in one's book
two left hands
get in
piece of shit
cunning linguist
get work done
I'm sure
top hand
very well
direct access
go towards
free hand

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see hand in, one's, checks.'

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