grasshopper pie
piece of cake
slice the pie
slice of the pie
cake crumbs
paradise nut
piece of the pie
rare bird
fly a kite
canary bird
touch grass
desert rose
eat it
the bee's knees
bowl a googly
sweet cherry
ducks' guts
yellow cake
duck's guts
flying dragon
ducks guts
angel food
thatch weave
fluffy bunny
angel hair
fly by
wild cherry
solitary wasp
feather in one's cap
square meal
play along
edible frog
piece of garbage
lawn sleeves
ground beetle
piece of trash
mashed potatoes
scratch an itch
piece of shit
in despite of
cake and wine
coined name
specific activity
bark dust
play tricks
on the bum
crazy cake
lardy bread
diamond ring
in the field
clown world
wild pansy
of a piece
fudge packer
duck soup
for it
hot pie
wild rue
sour cherry
any more
carrot bag
catch flies
mosquito bite
drop the bomb
ground laurel
wombat trail
plum in one's mouth
drop a bomb
wild weasel
ground sloth
chew on
rye seed
see things
wading bird
fat cat
for you
flip the bird
monkey lips
make muffins
dry powder
white worm
fruit and flowers
bear fruit
piece of meat
play on
piece of poop
dip into
reckon for
shoot a bird
cat's claw
dead bird
silly bean
hide the ball
piece of junk
peaches and cream
lion's den

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see grasshopper, pie.'

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