grand scheme
scheme theory
great deal
how's that
just as well
strange matter
on the
well met
right man
on that note
bonus hole
what was that
this much
and change
as in
family jewels
power supply
silly bean
big whoop
you know
of that ilk
any old
fancy house
to the brim
for a fact
very well
false borrowing
alternative fact
cunning linguist
power level
come through
just so
for it
as well as
come up
come into
large format
any more
what do you know
bright shiny object
thatch weave
work out
put aside
all over
wrong side
as it were
high note
come out
all along
good and
quite good
not so fast
come for
no big whoop
go both ways
square meal
come hither
star vehicle
get the memo
go at
not long
look back
right to work
historical society
that's what's up
for you
look out
look through
old-fashioned look
good for someone
pass up
special interest
big ticket
come up with
get to know
in sync
extra extra extra large
out of sync
I'm sure
extra large
reckon for
abrupt appearance
built different
look into
all there
main sequence
best man
oh really
come to
extra extra large
go in
cool it
get onto
big house

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see grand, scheme.'

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