golden egg
gold coin
dropped egg
square meal
angel food
fresh country eggs
rotten egg
gold plate
golden chain
paradise nut
armadillo egg
feather in one's cap
silver foil
bowl a googly
canary bird
master of the mint
grand scheme
cool it
cake and wine
head butter
spear biscuits
peaches and cream
empty nest
of that ilk
sweet cherry
well met
mint chocolate chip
on the
dog's breakfast
any more
apples and oranges
as it is
butter face
what's the difference
green pea
very well
lemony fresh
how's that
wild turkey
eat it
piece of cake
count chickens
star vehicle
just so
just as well
they say
look up
desert rose
wild cherry
wild mint
bright shiny object
plum blossom
thatch weave
light cone
as it were
all there
white worm
as well as
fruit and flowers
ever so
come with
for it
Winnipeg goldeye
is it
diamond ring
white corn
bonus hole
on that note
puzzle cube
old rose
for you
farmer's daughter
rye seed
you know
agree with
sour cherry
come into
crow's bill
good and
green plover
as in
all along
look to
this much
out of sync
what was that
angel hair
once more
bread and butter
grasshopper pie
out of the box
plum in one's mouth

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see golden, egg.'

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