gold plate
on one's plate
gold coin
small plate
hot plate
piece of goods
mint chocolate chip
silver foil
on the deck
golden chain
piece of cake
cake and wine
gold in them thar hills
slice the pie
pound the table
nail it
slice of the pie
square meal
mountain plum
golden egg
master of the mint
mountain apple
piece of the pie
eat it
piece of meat
brass nail
mashed potatoes
spear biscuits
against the grain
family roof
family jewels
sweet cherry
ground laurel
power supply
square rod
fruit and flowers
bright shiny object
print money
in the barrel
eat out of the palm of someone's hand
water power
pearl necklace
wild cherry
bare metal
table stakes
on the ground
hit the rack
on the
black top
wild mint
plum in one's mouth
desert rose
piece of shit
paradise nut
white belt
trade paint
top hand
haute piece
stone paste
lord and master
sour cherry
fresh meat
piece of garbage
front load
paper wall
gut punch
energy level
hard metal
diamond ring
bread and butter
all there
piece of junk
meat and potatoes
cut the cheese
white corn
damaged goods
hard nut to crack
feather in one's cap
red apple
drop a brick
make tick
hit me
to pieces
just so
good and
bowl a googly
black sand
of a piece
brandy bottle
any more
hot pie

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see gold, plate.'

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