giant deer
wild goat
hunting leopard
wild weasel
herd cats
white wolf
rare animal
black sheep
reindeer corn
have a cow
wild turkey
beaver eater
bear bait
lion's mane
big house
big boy
beaver tail
big cat
extra extra large
extra extra extra large
extra large
star vehicle
hunting cat
dog in the hunt
pet name
rabbit in the headlights
lion's den
big whoop
no big whoop
yellow goat
the devil
wild cherry
significant figure
hang up one's hat
just so
lamb's ears
big year
cow bite
big picture
all over
on the wagon
all kinds of
wild pansy
great cat
put aside
on all counts
fancy house
stick to
they say
see things
devil's grip
horse dick
in the middle of
grand scheme
this much
Hawaiian goose
best man
strange matter
horse manure
cat's eye
high note
great deal
coined name
bear fruit
lord and master
stick with
crow's bill
rattle one's sabre
rattle a sabre
wading bird
next big thing
significance level
last big thing
witch house
rattle the sabre
well met
warrior ant
upright man
I'm sure
small reed
superabundant number
see the elephant
silly bean
use to
black cock

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see giant, deer.'

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