gentle sex
share a bed
satisfy oneself
right man
not see straight
sex on the beach
your man
answer for
come to bed
soft boy
right side
first hand
weaker sex
as well as
reckon for
in the middle of
some kind of
almost all
wet blanket
look to
put aside
by oneself
close one's eyes
in view of
body check
just so
for you
get one's arms around
other side
touch oneself
look into
all kinds of
give notice
reckon without
male member
take it
see things
shall we say
choose sides
for it
shit the bed
as in
upright man
put out to pasture
all over
tell someone where to shove it
this much
very well
wrong side
abrupt appearance
as far as
give me
shove it up your ass
contact geometry
third way
look around
on one's side
well met
strange woman
body of water
fuck you
let us
oh really
I'm sure
reasonable person
put it to
dance to a different tune
in favor
alternative fact
look back
wild pansy
see the back of
lick someone's ass
touch grass
silent partner
best man
warm body
what was that
speak for
to pieces
of that ilk
come for
lean towards
naked lady
son of a whore
simple English
white soul
sleepy sand
on the
see you
by all means
first thing
direct provision

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see gentle, sex.'

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