general office
military power
on the ground
speak for
power level
area of influence
work in
principal city
principal part
come for
extra service
on the other side of
people's republic
what's the difference
look into
make a move
for it
educational visit
on paper
for your information
I'm sure
on that note
high ground
all there
high note
put aside
speak for oneself
go up for
all kinds of
what was that
direct provision
right man
for you
extra extra small
choose sides
do well
come into
extra extra extra small
they say
main character
garden path
extra small
on the
inner voice
work out
on one's side
extra extra large
extra large
work through
extra extra extra large
right to work
stone paste
some kind of
minor orders
public comment
unknown quantity
minor order
job order
stand with
historical society
all along
put it to
go to work
in favor
as it is
ground laurel
talk about
basement dweller
come hither
high mass
bang to rights
dig one's heels in
come up
any more
answer for
project management
as in
as well as
come with
first hand
do it
at work
in view of
in the field
let someone have it
big whoop
work around
use to
rake up
get work done
marsh grass
upper storey
reckon for
power supply
what do you know
other side
as it were

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see general, office.'

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